
All About Saniflo.

So, you want to put in a new toilet, but you don’t want to destroy your floors or spend your life savings on a plumber. You’re not not alone! We all want to save money and have nee, expanded homes. Thousands of people have turned to the Saniflo system for a solution to this problem.

Because we continue to only offer one brand of macerating pumps here at SanifloDepot, we want to take the time to education you why that is, and why we have chosen to spend the last 12 years committed to becoming experts in this area.

Designed to make installing a new bathroom fast and easy, Saniflo toilets don’t require additional plumbing, major construction, or an ongoing headache for you.

Regardless of whether you're installing a new bathroom, retrofitting an old one, or even looking for a way to make a utility closet or basement into a fully-functional space, we offer a highly effective, cost-efficient, and intelligent option.

Here’s what you need to know about why it works so well:

What is a Saniflo Toilet?

If you’ve ever heard of Saniflo, you already know it’s one of the most reliable and trusted macerating units out there. Durable and well established, Saniflo not only invented the upflush macerating toilet technology, but has expanded to offer a complete line of related products based on their “gold standard” macerating technology; including upflush toilets, macerating units, grinder pumps, RV and marine toilets, grey water pumps and condensate units.

Thanks to their affordable price tag and easy installation, the company has quickly become the go-to for households that want to add an extra bathroom, expand an existing bathroom to include a shower and sink, or retrofit a closet into something much more functional, but don’t want to install insane plumbing to make it all work.

Eco-friendly, affordable, and simple to install, this solution offers simplicity, accessibility, and quality in one accessible, user-friendly package.

What’s to Love About Saniflo?

Commonly referred to as the “Upflush toilet,” a unique macerating toilet unit that discharges waste out the back (rather than gravitationally), and into the primary plumbing stack. A solution like this has many advantages, including but not limited to the following:


With an upflush system, it’s possible to install a new toilet virtually anywhere you can imagine. Whether you’re interested in adding a full bathroom to your attic, basement, or somewhere in between, macerating technology makes it possible.

This is due, in large part, to the fact that models like the SaniPLUS, SaniBEST, SaniACCESS, and clearly the SaniCOMPACT only require enough space for a regular toilet, unlike their copycat products, which need at least 30” of clearance.


There are dozens of great ways to save money here. First of all, you don’t have to hire a plumber to come in and rip out your flooring. This effectively removes use of that part of your house during construction.

Secondly, you can create a full bathroom anywhere you have space to do so, without the hassle of laying new pipes and worrying about complex pipe arrangements. This commonly runs $8,000 - $14,000 depending on where you live.


While a traditional bathroom will take weeks to create, an upflush toilet can be completely installed in just a day. In fact, most units only take 4-8 hours to install. This makes it an easy, and adored, DIY option, even for those of us who aren’t journeymen plumbers in our spare time.

Believe us, you can do this. But if you don’t want to you’ll only need a fraction of an installer’s time. We can help you identify certified installers near you.


When you install a traditional bathroom, your only choice is to leave it behind if you sell the house and move later. With a Saniflo system, though, it’s possible to pick the entire installation up and move it, which is ideal for times when your situation changes or you need to move the bathroom to a new area. In fact, the entire unit only leaves four small holes when you remove it.

The History of the Upflush Toilet

The upflush solution may sound new-age and exciting, but it’s actually a decades old proven creation—dating back to France in 1957. We guess all those beautiful old buildings needed new, updated commodes

While many people at first confuse macerating toilets with composting toilets, the two systems are actually very different. While a composting system collects and composts waste, a macerating system discharges waste into a macerating unit, which grinds it up into a fine slurry.

From there, the pump moves the waste up or out the back of the unit, into the main stack of your plumbing. This is the functionality that makes it possible to install an upflush toilet in a basement or any other room that’s below the level of primary plumbing.

These toilets are popular throughout Europe and has slowly made its way to prominence in the U.S. And rightfully so: most people who install an upflush solution save an average of $9,000 in plumbing and installation costs. Perhaps this is why we’ve experienced 20% growth every year for over a decade!

While The company is best-known for its toilet systems, the brand also makes a variety of other products, including grey water pumps, grinders, condensate pumps, and more. The full line of products allows consumers to do anything from installing a bar to running the entire home on some of the larger macerator pumps.

Upgrade Your House: Add a New Bathroom.

If you’ve been looking for a simple and streamlined way to improve the functionality of your bathroom, this is a great option. Affordable, easy to install, and available in a wide selection of models, makes, and features, we offer beautiful china designed to make any space in your home into a bathroom, bar, or utility closet.

While there are many different brands of macerating toilets out there, and we are frequently contacted by them to carry their products, we are committed to carrying a full line of only the best options for our customers. Saniflo stands out for its durability, quality, and commitment to approachability. Because of these things, they have emerged as the leader in the macerating toilet field and continues to churn out products that are as reliable as they are unique.

If you’re in search of a quality macerating pump, upflush toilet, or even a condensate removal pump, you’ve come to the right place.

Ready to learn more? Give us a call or shop our selection of products now!

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