
Household Waste Management Guide for Parents

  • Wildlife Habitat Council
  • DOI
  • Florida DEP
  • EPA
  • Greenpop
  • DNR Wisconsin

Dumping solid wastes in open spaces such as backyard gardens is a typical household waste disposal method. However, such indiscriminate waste disposal methods could pose serious environmental problems and threaten human health.

Any solid waste that is not correctly disposed of can result in a wide range of problems. For instance, organic waste can create a breeding ground for different types of organisms that cause diseases. Liquid waste can cause public nuisance because of the foul and repulsive smell.

These waste materials can contaminate groundwater, the surrounding soils, and surface water. Hazardous waste types, such as insecticides and pesticides, can cause fire hazards, especially if they are highly flammable, and some can cause severe poisoning.

Why Effective Waste Management Practices in the Household is Important

According to the EPA, about 55% to 65% of municipal solid waste originates from households. Therefore, effective waste management practices in households are essential because they contribute towards global cleanliness and sustainability objectives.

All people everywhere contribute to waste generation. However, the amount produced is affected by consumption, economic activity, and population growth, among other factors. Developed countries like the US typically generate large amounts of municipal solid waste such as disposable goods, packed goods, used electronics, and food waste. The US generates the largest municipal solid waste per person every day, and most originate from households. Therefore, household waste management will significantly reduce the total trash in the environment.

Importance of the Role of Parents in Teaching Their Kids Proper Waste Disposal and Management

Parents play an essential role in teaching kids about waste management. It is crucial to teach children about the significance of an eco-friendly lifestyle and recycling as early as possible. If children are provided with everything they need, they will think resources are limitless and significantly contribute to waste generation.

For instance, they will always think that the fuel for the car is always there to take them for an outing, and even the plastic containers they use will not eventually end up in a landfill. Children require education on finite resources and how human activities affect the planet; otherwise, they will not be more conscientious about living on this planet and doing proper disposal practices.

  1. Parents Can Teach Kids Waste Management in a Fun Way

    Recycling, for instance, doesn't have to be complex. It can be an opportunity for parents to engage their kids with something. Kids shouldn't feel the need to whine or complain when separating recyclable waste, such as plastic from paper or trash from tins for collection.

    This can be an excellent chance to engage them in doing something fun. Parents can show children the numerous possibilities for recycling common household wastes such as paper.

    For instance, you can let them turn milk cartons into planters to grow seedlings. There are different ways that parents can make their children do something they can enjoy while learning about waste management. Local recycling facilities and businesses could also have some programs for kids.

  2. Teach Kids More About The Environment

    Parents can buy books for kids that teach about the environment in a language approach they can relate to. Similarly, you can make quiz cards to develop a fun game and indicate what happens if we don't care for our environment or practice proper waste disposal methods.

    You can also discuss the health consequences of not handling garbage collection. For instance, according to the WHO, about 3.7 million people in 2012 died due to outdoor air pollution. Depending on the age of the children, you can teach that more and more people are likely to die if we don't take corrective measures in our waste management plan.

  3. Let Kids Understand the Waste Management System

    One approach to teaching children about waste management is to make them understand or know where rubbish goes. If parents desire to be proactive and raise children who care about their environment, then the whole exercise should be a valuable experience.

    Parents can let their children talk to garbage collection workers and ask questions. You can also take them to a sanitary landfill or any recycling plant near you and show them the piles of garbage that people dump carelessly without care.

    You can remind them of the global amount of landfill waste that goes there each year. A visual depiction of landfill waste and its effects can make kids think twice about what they throw away instead of recycling.

  4. Spread the Word

    When parents teach children about proper waste disposal and management, they share knowledge that will finally make a difference. The knowledge will make the children more environmentally conscious and more thoughtful about throwing away or buying something that is not useful and will just contribute to organic waste. These children will also teach future generations about the environment and effective waste disposal and management.

Adopt the 3 R's

The three R's of waste management are Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. If adopted, all three steps will significantly reduce waste because they conserve natural resources, reduce the amount of trash in landfill spaces, and conserve energy. Besides, the three R's can save land and money from waste disposal in landfills.

  1. Reduce - The best approach to waste management is to stop producing waste materials, and this does not mean cutting back everything. However, there are many items you can cut to reduce waste without altering your lifestyle in a big way. Some of the ways one can follow to minimize the waste generated by the world include the following:
    • Buy items with less packaging because about 30% of waste materials in landfills come from packaging. So, when you're shopping, go for products with one bag or bog, not double or triple packing.
    • Always buy in bulk because buying more of one product at a time reduces the overall amount of packaging, contributing to proper waste management.
    • Avoid disposable items, especially paper, napkins, lighters, razors, and plastic utensils.
    • Always buy durable goods. These items will last because they are well-built and often have a warranty. In the long run, they will save money, reduce waste collection, and free up landfill space.
    • IInstead of paper towels, use a dishcloth. Avoid paper napkins and adopt cloth napkins to help reduce the pressure in your area’s waste management system.
  2. Reuse - Reuse has become more popular in the recent past. If you reuse a product instead of throwing it away, you keep it out of landfills, besides creating something new. Some of the reuse approaches can include the following:
    • Avoid throwing away items after use. Even broken products can be reused again or even used for another purpose. For instance, you can use a coffee can for a packed lunch. In addition, you can repair broken toys, furniture, and appliances.
    • Items such as old clothes, unused appliances, and toys can be sold or donated to charities instead of sent to waste handling.
    • When visiting a grocery store, carry an old grocery bag or invest in reusable shopping bags. Never take an item, such as a bag, from the store unless it's necessary.
  3. Recycle - Recycling is the process of remanufacturing a new product from used material. There are countless recycling materials around you, including glass, paper, plastics, and many others. Recycling works when the consumers complete the process by purchasing recycled products. To be part of the process, you need to do the following:
    • Buy items manufactured from recycled materials. You need to look for the recycling symbol, or you can inquire from the point of sale. However, the symbol could also mean the material could be recycled.
    • Consider buying recycled materials in the workplace for office equipment or office supplies.
    • Ask in stores for packing materials and products that help reduce waste and contribute to proper waste management.
    • You can also buy products manufactured from materials collected in your community for recycling, reducing landfill waste.

Proper Waste Segregation

Waste segregation refers to the categorizing of wastes into different groups at the point of collection. Waste segregation at the source is essential for your area’s waste management system and recycling practices.

When you segregate waste at home, it becomes easier for the disposal workers to distinguish between the degradable and non-degradable components. Similarly, when you continuously segregate waste at home, you play an important role in your locality’s waste management plan as a responsible citizen. It will considerably bring down the problem of managing waste and overwhelming your waste management system. The habit will not cost you anything, either in time or money.

Segregated waste is typically cheaper to dispose of because it does not involve much mechanical or manual sorting in the waste management system. In addition, all biodegradable waste should be in one place, and non-biodegradable waste needs to be in a different place.


Biodegradable wastes are house refuse that bacteria or other organisms can decompose, and as a result, they don't cause pollution. They are organic and have minimal environmental impact because they can be recycled into compost. They can be treated on an industrial scale by anaerobic digestion (AD) or composting. Some examples of biodegradable waste include vegetables, fruits, flowers, wood shavings, and many more.


Bacteria or other microorganisms cannot decompose non-biodegradable waste. Typically, non-biodegradable waste has a severe environmental impact as it increases the pollution load on our planet. In addition, they are a nuisance and are inorganic, making them ideal for recycling. Unfortunately, these wastes can only keep accumulating because they cannot be decomposed. Examples of non-biodegradable waste include polymers, glass, aluminum foil, and inorganic chemicals.

Adopt Composting

If you segregate waste at home, you can add more value by composting. You can get free compost to use on your plants or sell to gardeners. Home composting doesn't require considerable space. To make compost, you will need a composting bin that can be acquired from any store or a bucket.

Put old newspapers under the compost bin to stop spillage. Drill small holes for ventilation. Place soil at the bottom of the container and add wet kitchen waste, such as fruit peels and vegetable leftovers. Secondly, add another layer of dry waste, like dried leaves, sawdust, or paper scraps. Continue with these alternating layers.

Remember, never use or add bones or meat to your pile. For quick results, you can add semi-composed soil. You can be a responsible citizen if you segregate waste at home and promote a cleaner environment.


You can play an essential role in making our planet a better place to live by taking a few appropriate steps in household waste management. Segregating household waste in your home is critical in waste management because it becomes easy for handlers. As a parent, you can teach your kids different ways to manage waste from home and the effect the waste can have on the environment. One of the best approaches is to adopt the 3 R's (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle).


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